Raette Meredith

Raette Meredith produces one of a kind landscape oil paintings, creating a raw interpretation of nature. She uses only a palette knife to capture an electric impressionistic effect. Each palette knife oil painting is created using the highest quality, pure oil colors to ensure enjoyment for generations to come. She constantly strives to become a better artist believing that the craft of painting can only be mastered over time. She began painting professionally in 2004, primarily selling only original work. Here you can find some of her work sold as prints and her latest work. If you would like to know more, click the link below:
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“The vibrancy of Meredith’s art exudes in all of her pieces. She has said ‘If I can see it I can paint it.’ She sees to it. The many admirers of her creations experience what she feels and sees!” – PJL
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Currently, only prints are available
New work is added regularly.
Featured Work: Glacier National Park Palette Knife Oil Paintings
Yarrow in Glacier$6.00 – $206.00
Sunset Along Gunsight Trail$6.00 – $206.00
Sunrise at Jackson Meadows$171.00 – $174.00
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Art by Raette
860 N Meridian Rd Unit B6
Kalispell, MT 59901